Thursday, November 7, 2019

Highlights Of Our Learning:
In math, we read "The Enormous Turnip".  The students were asked to solve a word problem about the old man and the old woman in the story.  They went for a fall walk and took some of their animals with them.  There were 10 animal feet altogether.  What animals could be walking with the old man and the old women?

We talked about why Remembrance Day is important?  We read "The Poppy Story",  and learned where poppies came from.

We also watched "A Pittance of Time".  Many of the students had many reasons why we need to stop and remember on November 11th at 11:00am.  We talked about the importance of being quiet and respectful tomorrow during the Remembrance Day assembly.  We practiced being silent for 2 minutes, discussed why we don't clap, enjoy listening to the choir and looking at the art displayed around the gym.

We had gym with all three of the grade one classes this morning.  Ask you child what they did?

In our visual journals, we illustrated, "What is Peace"?  Ask your child to share with you.

This afternoon, we exchanged our library books in the Learning Commons.  Thank you for helping your child bring back their books before the following the Thursday.

At the end of the day, we gathered in Ms. Rinaldi's room with all the grade 1 classes.  We danced, sung some songs and ended with some breathing meditation exercises.

-Thank you for sending in a pair of earbuds or headphones that your child can use when they are listening to books on RazKids. 
-Students will be attending a whole school Remembrance Day assembly on tomorrow morning, beginning at 10:45am. If parents would like to join us for this assembly, you are invited to do so.
-There is no school on Monday, November 11th as it is Remembrance Day.
-Scholastic Book orders were sent home on Monday. If you would like to purchase any items as gifts for Christmas or another occasion, please let me know and I will deliver the order to you directly and not send items home with your child. Orders are due by Friday, November 15th. Thanks!

A word book was sent home for the students to practice their word families and site words in.  Please don't send them back, it is for the students to use at home when we post them on the blog.

Have a good evening!

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