Thursday, October 31, 2019

High Lights Of Our Day:

This morning we were very surprised as we had a visit from Chef Lana.  She taught us how to make pumpkin muffins in the staffroom.  We had to follow a recipe and measure ingredients.  We all got a turn to add the ingredients or mix the bowl.  After all the muffins were baked, we all went to Ms. Aebli’s room and tasted the muffins together.  Thank you Chef Lana for helping us bake muffins.  It was the first time for many of us to try pumpkin muffins .

In gym, we played freeze tag and went to centres.

We worked with the "in" word family today.  Ask your child to show you all the in words they can make and read.

This afternoon, our buddies came and shared thank you Thursday with us.  We learned many different ways we can thank each other for being good citizens or showing character around the school.  Afterwards, we went outside and they taught us many games we can play on the compound to be active and stay warm.  Thank you buddies!

For those of you that celebrate Halloween, have a safe night.

Have a great weekend, see you on Monday!

Friendly Reminders:
-There is no school for students on Friday, November 1st as it is a PD Day.
-This Saturday night, clocks go back an hour,  daylight savings ends.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

We have had a busy day today!  
  • We carved our classroom pumpkin and made a guess at how many seeds were in our pumpkin.  Ask your child the scientific term for making a guess.  Many of us are amazing scientists.  All of the students had a chance to clean out the pumpkin.  They had very descriptive words to describe what they felt.  Ask your child what they thought? 
  • We labeled six important pRTS (seeds, stem, skin, flesh, pulp and leaf) .
  •  We had 737 seeds in our pumpkin.  The grade 1's learned it's quicker to count by 10's rather than 2's and 5's.
  • We tried to use the computers again today to log on to Raz-Kids.  It's getting better, but we need to work on learning our student numbers.  It will get easier as we practice.  All of the students have their numbers and passwords written on a card.
  • This afternoon, we had gym and music.
  • At the end of the day we finished labeling our pumpkins, inside and out.  We also tasted pumpkin seeds.  Ask your child what they thought of them.
Have a great night!

-Please be sure to have your Learning Commons book returned tomorrow, it's our day to exchange books.
-There is no school for students on Friday, November 1st as it is a PD Day.
-Tomorrow, Thursday, October 31st is ORANGE AND BLACK DAY and students are encouraged to wear these colours. We will not be wearing costumes at school.

-This Saturday night, clocks go back an hour,  daylight savings ends.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Update On Our Learning:

Today we spent some time sketching different pumpkins in our visual journal.  We came up with several descriptive words to describe what our pumpkins looked liked.

We had math centres today, ask your child what centre they were at.

Room 24 did an excellent job at cutting out letters of the alphabet to make word families and practice our site words.  A copy was sent home to practice at home.

We were super excited to go outside this afternoon for recess.  Thank you for making sure your child has warm clothes, boots, coats, hat and mitts.

Friendly Reminder:

Please make sure library books are back by Thursday.
Orange and Black Day on Thursday.
No school on Friday November 1,  2019.
Daylight saving this weekend, clocks go back an hour.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Update On Our Learning:

Wow!!! We have had a very busy Monday!  It's pumpkin week in grade 1.
This morning we learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin and we illustrated it.  Please ask your child to share the six stages of a pumpkin life cycle.  We danced to many pumpkin songs and read many pumpkin stories today.

We had music today, ask me who my teacher was.  Our class had many energy breaks today because we don't have gym on Mondays.

In math, we talked about the different ways we could sort our pumpkins.  We used hula-hoops to demonstrate our learning.  Ask me some of the ways that we sorted the pumpkins.

We had indoor recess and lunch today because it was too cold.

This afternoon, we cut pumpkins out of our secondary colour paintings.  They look great!

Thank you for doing your Home Reading and Raz-kids.  Many of the students are excited to share about their books.

Please dress warm tomorrow.  Stay warm!!!!!

-Please be sure to have your Learning Commons book returned by Thursday.
-There is no school for students on Friday, November 1st as it is a PD Day.
-Thursday, October 31st is ORANGE AND BLACK DAY and students are encouraged to wear these colours. We will not be wearing costumes at school on this day.
-School pictures were sent home in folders today.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Highlights of Our Learning:

This morning started off very calm because we talked about the zones and practiced some breathing meditation techniques to calm us down.

Friday journals are coming home today.  Thank you for reading with your child and signing afterwards.  The students defiantly are in the green zone when they read your comments.  Please send back so the students have their books to write the following week.

We continued to work on the “at” family.  Many of the students are beginning to recognize a lot of our site words and word families around the school and in books they read.  Keep up the great job?

New site words were introduced today:
Ask, any, as, by, could

Thank you for sending the home reading in with your child to exchange their books.  They are loving sharing their books with their family.

We had a grade 6 friend come and share why it’s very important to be careful what we say to each other.  She had someone in her grade 4 class that was unkind to her and said something rude.  Her message to our class is “to always be kind and positive to everyone.”

We started “thank you” Fridays today.  We take turns thanking each other for being helpful, kind or empathetic to other students.

Thank you “A” for sharing some delicious cookies with the class.

The weather is supposed to get really cold on the weekend.  Please get outside today and enjoy some fresh air.  We will share what we did on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Friendly reminder:  Please send head phones with yoour child to school.  Please make sure they are in a ziplock back labeled with their name on it.  Some of the students mentioned that the dollar store cells head phones.  The students need these for the computers.

Please remember to dress warm tomorrow.
Highlights of Our Learning:
-We practiced printing some new letters yesterday and today.   Please have your child demonstrate how they can properly form the following letters:

The "Curvers"
m - dive down, swim up and over, and up and
        over, down
n - dive down, swim up, over, and down 
u – straight line down, curve up, down
h – dive down, swim half way up, over, and down
b – dive down, swim half way up, over and around
r – dive down, swim up, and over

The "Sliders"

v - slide down, climb up

w - slide down, climb up, slide down, climb up

x - slide to the right,  lift, slide to the left

z - across the right, slide down left, across to 
     the right

-We started new math centres. Please ask your child which activities they have worked on yesterday and today.

Raz-Kids computer reading program coming home today.-We met with our Buddies on Thursday and they helped us get logged onto computers and set up to use the reading program Raz Kids at school. We had to wait until all the accounts were up and running before we sent home.  Please check your child's folder to see how you can log in at home and use the program on your own time.

-Today, we started a new word family..."at" family.  Ask your child to share all the "at" words they made.

Home Reading is coming home today.  Please read with your child every night.  At the beginning we suggest keeping the book for a couple of nights.  Please fill out log book with your child and return the book and bag to be exchanged at school.  Thank you for keeping everything together and sealed in the home reading bag.  Please ask your child to show you how to do a picture walk before reading.
-Wednesday, October 23rd is "Take Me Outside Day' and we will be having some of our learning outside that day. Please have your child dressed for the weather.
-There is a Halloween Family Dance at school this Thursday October 24th. Tickets were sent home for those families that have ordered so far. Costumes are encouraged for the dance, but no masks please.  Tickets are on sale until tomorrow.  Just a friendly reminder, they will not be selling tickets at the door.
-Thursday, October 31st is Black and Orange Day at Bridlewood School. Children are invited to wear these colours that day, but will not be dressing in costumes.
-Friday, November 1st is a PD Day and there is no school for students.