Friday, October 25, 2019

Highlights of Our Learning:

This morning started off very calm because we talked about the zones and practiced some breathing meditation techniques to calm us down.

Friday journals are coming home today.  Thank you for reading with your child and signing afterwards.  The students defiantly are in the green zone when they read your comments.  Please send back so the students have their books to write the following week.

We continued to work on the “at” family.  Many of the students are beginning to recognize a lot of our site words and word families around the school and in books they read.  Keep up the great job?

New site words were introduced today:
Ask, any, as, by, could

Thank you for sending the home reading in with your child to exchange their books.  They are loving sharing their books with their family.

We had a grade 6 friend come and share why it’s very important to be careful what we say to each other.  She had someone in her grade 4 class that was unkind to her and said something rude.  Her message to our class is “to always be kind and positive to everyone.”

We started “thank you” Fridays today.  We take turns thanking each other for being helpful, kind or empathetic to other students.

Thank you “A” for sharing some delicious cookies with the class.

The weather is supposed to get really cold on the weekend.  Please get outside today and enjoy some fresh air.  We will share what we did on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

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